Presto! PhotoAlbum Updated Information ************************************** 3/16/1998 This file contains updated information about the functions of Presto! Photo Album since the manual and on-line help were completed. Quick Linking ------------- A shortcut button for quick linking is now added at the right bottom of the screen. It lets you link fast into the web site of NewSoft company, and automatically launch into any NewSoft's software that you already have in your computer. Mailing the HTML Files Directly -------------------------------- If you choose the "For Internet" option under the "Deliver" command for sending the album, the files of the album can now be directly mailed right after formated. A dialog box pops up when you finish converting the album into HTML format. When you choose the [OK] button, the HTML files will be packed into a .exe file for mailing. Please refer to the following section for detailed operation on sending an album by e-mail. Delivering the Album by E-mail ------------------------------- After an album is finished, you may share it with your friends and family by e-mail. Presto! PhotoAlbum lets you convert an album, that has been saved in HTML format, into exe file format for e-mail attachment. To deliver an album: 1. Choose "Deliver" from the Album menu. 2. Choose the "By E-mail" option from the pop-up sub-menu. 3. When the "Choose Directory" dialog box appears, locate the directory where the previously formated HTML files of the album are stored on. 4. Click the [OK] button. 5. A MailPack dialog box pops up. Choose an electronic mail system you are familiar with, or choose the "Save" option to pack your album files for another similar application. 6. Click the [OK] button The E-mail system you selected will be launched automatically, and your album packed as an exe file will also be attached in it. After you have finished the document, send it. Double clicking on the attached file, the recepist can enjoy your album without any file format problem. Incorporating MMX Technology ---------------------------- MMX(TM) media enhancement technology is Intel's most recent processor enhancement that will change the multimedia and communications world. Combining a PC and software both designed for MMX technology will effectively enhance the performance of multimedia processing. Presto! PhotoAlbum was designed to incorporate MMX technology. Working on a PC of Pentium processor with MMXTM technology, the performance of Presto! PhotoAlbum will be boosted by more than 20%. Therefore a PC of Pentium processor with MMX technology is highly recommended for running with Presto! PhotoAlbum. Undo Function ------------- The new "Undo" function under the "Photo" menu cancels the last action the software performed. The last action you performed is displayed at the right of the "Undo" command. Click on this command to undo the action. If you want to perform the canceled operation again, choose the "Redo" command in the same menu. Preferences ----------- The new "Preferences" command under the "Album" menu contains two setting options: 1. Undo This option enables or disables the "Undo" function in the "Photo" menu. If you have selected to enable the "Undo" function, you may set the number (up to 10) of executed commands so that you can cancel those operations by using the "Undo" command. The higher the number of Undo levels, the slower the processing speed of the software. 2. Mute This option turns sound effects on or off. Print Entire Album ------------------ You may select to print all the pages in an album by the "Print Entire Album" option in the Print dialog box. When the "Print Entire Album" check box is enabled, all the pages in the current album will be printed.